10 Amazing Hair Care Historical Facts 7

France, the wearing of long hair was banned by King Louis XIV

France: King Louis XIV banned long hair : 

In 17th century France, King Louis XIV banned the wearing of long hair. He viewed it as a symbol of opposition to his rule. Men who disobeyed the ban faced severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, or conscription into the army.

King Louis XIV was known for his strict control over the French monarchy, and the ban on long hair was just one of many ways in which he sought to impose his authority and maintain his power. The ban was strictly enforced, and those who chose to wear their hair in a long style were seen as rebels and outcasts.

The ban on long hair in 17th century France serves as an example of how political ideologies and cultural values can impact the way that men wear their hair. It also highlights the tension between personal expression and societal norms, and the ways in which political power can be used to control and shape fashion trends.

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Changing Your Hair Color

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